


Terms of Use

In order to ensure that guests at L’Hôtel du Lac have a safe and enjoyable stay, we have established the following Terms of Use in accordance with Article 11 of the Accommodation Agreement. Please observe the Terms of Use.
In the event that you do not observe the Terms of Use we may, in accordance with Article 7 of the Accommodation Agreement, refuse to provide you with you accommodation or other services at hotel facilities. Furthermore, please keep in mind that in the event of mishaps such as damage to furnishings we may require you to bear the cost of damages.

    Use of Guest Rooms

  • Please confirm the evacuation route from your guest room in advance.
  • Please refrain from allowing anyone who is not a registered guest to stay in your room.
  • Please understand that long-term use of accommodations does not generate any legal right to residence.
  • We will refuse accommodation to unaccompanied minors unless they have permission from a guardian. Users who have lost control of their senses due to mental deterioration, drugs, or alcohol, or who otherwise disturb or concern other guests, will also be refused.

    Room Keys

  • Please lock your room when going out during your stay.
  • When going outside the hotel, please leave your key with the front desk.
  • Please lock your room when you are in it and when you are sleeping.
  • Please ensure that you return your room key to the front desk upon your departure from the hotel. A replacement fee will by charged for lost or otherwise unreturned keys.


  • Please meet any nighttime visitors in the front lobby.
  • Be sure to use the door scope to confirm the identity of anyone who knocks. If someone suspicious knocks on your door, please call the front desk.

    Guest Room Interiors

  • Please do not use fire or candles for heating, cooking, or any other purpose in guest rooms or hallways without permission from the hotel.
  • Please do not use guest rooms for sales activity, office use, parties, or any other non-accommodation purpose without permission from the hotel.
  • Please do not move guest room furnishings or install or modify guest room fixtures without permission from the hotel.
  • Please do not remove small guest room furnishings from your guest room.
  • Please do not place items in the window that would mar the appearance of the hotel exterior.


  • During your stay, please check any valuables such as cash, securities, or precious metals at the front desk.
    (The hotel cannot be responsible for the loss or theft of items left in your guest room.)

    Checked Items

  • Unless other arrangements are made, the period for which checked items will be stored is as noted below. Checked items that have not been claimed by the end of the storage period will be treated as abandoned and disposed of in accordance with the law.
    (1) One month for items checked at the front desk by outside visitors.
    (2) One month for items checked at the front desk by staying guests.

    Lost and Found

  • Please understand that lost and found items will be stored for a period of 7 days, including the day they are found, and then delivered to the nearest police station.
  • Within the hotel grounds, please follow the directions and instructions of hotel staff.
  • Please do not leave valuables or other items in parked cars. We cannot be responsible for the loss or theft of items left in parked cars.
  • Please understand that hotel staff members are not able to move your car for you.


  • Payment for services must be made with cash, credit card, or other similar method as approved by the hotel.
  • Please understand that we may collect a deposit upon arrival.
  • The hotel may request a settling of accounts prior to the conclusion of your stay. Please make payment accordingly. Note that a failure to pay when the hotel makes such a request may result in cancellation of the Accommodation Agreement.
  • In cases where payment is to be received from someone other than the staying guest, we may ask the staying guest to pay directly if payment is not received by the appointed date.
  • Please understand that we are unable to lend funds for shopping either within or outside the hotel.

    Please refrain from bringing into the hotel the following items, and from engaging in the following behaviors, which may disturb other guests

  • Pets such as dogs, cats, or songbirds.
  • Anything combustible or ignitable.
  • Anything foul-smelling or poisonous.
  • Anything whose possession is prohibited by law.
  • Gambling, coercive language or behavior, behavior that corrupts pubic morals, or any other activity that offends or disturbs other guests.
  • Leaving your room in nightwear.
  • Moving installed furnishings or using them for purposes other than intended.
  • Distribution of advertising or promotional materials or the sale or solicitation of goods.

    Thank you for conserving resources by using water and electricity judiciously.